Why Human Resources Is Important For Your Growing Business
This week, for the 10X Mastermind call, we talked about a very interesting topic that concerns any business owner and human resources. Remember that we meet weekly to discuss business owners’ problems, challenges, concerns, opportunities, just about anything business-related. My experience this week I had a conversation with a client this morning and it’s […]
Referrals Are The Easiest Way To Grow Your Business
In this weekly session of our calls from the 10X Business Owners Mastermind Group, we had a very entertaining talk from which we were able to learn a lot. Keep reading so you don’t miss every detail. So this week’s main topic is very important and has been haunting our work for the last two […]
Tasks You Can Outsource To Virtual Assistants
In this week’s video call session of our Business Owners Mastermind group, we met again to touch on an important topic for new entrepreneurs, and that many times we let it go by making our work much more heavy or tedious. Many times we do not realize the logistics involved in any project within the […]
What we have learned at 10X Business Owners Mastermind Group
Dear followers, it’s time to pause and reflect a bit on everything we’ve talked about over the past few weeks in our 10X Business Owners Mastermind Group live call sessions. That is why today I will refresh your memory, summarizing how this whole road to success has been for those who listen to us and/or […]