Picture of John Pyron, the Business Doctor

John Pyron, the Business Doctor

21st Century Leadership: Coaching and Leading Are Indivisible

Most coaches are seen as leaders though many leaders do not like being thought of as coaches. However, as we go through the 21st century leadership challenges this perception is being changed. One of the most recognized leadership coaches Christian Simpson states “You cannot lead if you cannot coach!” Contrary to what many people say, the coaches do not have to be experts on the subject matter. It is said those who do not have a background on the said subject are more effective than those who do.

Most people believe that leadership coaches have to be experts because of the stereotype of sport coaches. However, this sport coaching is usually described more as mentoring or teaching and not coaching. Mentoring and teaching are based on making people knowledgeable or giving individual skills that they can use. On the hand coaching works on the assumption that the individual you are not in need of skills or knowledge provided by the coach. By this, the coach already knows that as a leader you have the answers that you need within and it is the work of the coach to ask you questions that will bring the answers to your realization.

This is why you will prefer a coach who has no expertise on the subject matter. They will be more insightful to you as they have no burden on expert solutions that are preconceived. So what makes coaching and leadership indivisible and experts say that the two relate to each other. To be able to answer this question, you need to first understand the definition of leadership. It is basically defined as influence. With this simple explanation, you are able to understand that people who can ask questions that are insightful which empower and offer solutions are considered to be leaders.

A coach with the right skills can lead from anywhere in the organization by making the use of techniques that will influence those being coached. If you are not able to coach, then you find yourself limited to positional, permission and production levels in the business. If you are not able to coach, you will never be functional fully and you will not be able to develop other and lead other leaders.

Coaches will help you develop as a person to help you tap into your potential as a visionary leader. This will start with an analysis of who you are, skill set, talents, interests and passions as well as the values that drive you. Leadership coaching will help;

  • Help you achieve your objectives as you set the minds in your organization meet the goals that have been set.
  • You can be able to extend your facility so your initiative will be able to start and finish strong. This will make you decisive when you are making actions that are massive.

Coaching helps in improving temperaments of others who you regularly interact with. You be able to read people better as well as listen empathetically and intently. Coaching is really helping leaders to grow and its power to change lives has made it be adapted by businesses to help grow leaders. If you want to improve your skills you need to know to coach too and your values and character will have a great influence on the kind of leadership coach you become.

Statistics on leadership coaching speak for themselves. It has resulted in increased productivity; organization strength improves as well as better customer service. Explore the skills and talents that you can offer naturally trough coaching sessions that help you be a better leader.

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