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Technology is changing the way businesses operate by boosting productivity. From small businesses to large corporations, there are great tools for every organization. Some of the time saving tools available on the market are designed to help companies handle mail more efficiently, which saves valuable time and boost the bottom line. Here are some of my favorites.
1. Evernote
Evernote has revolutionized note-taking and information management. It helps professionals solve organizational problems and increase productivity at the office. Evernote is a cloud-based note-taking application designed to collect and organize information, including images, documents, videos and audio files. It provides the perfect way to organize all your information in one place and access it from a variety of devices like your computer, tablet and mobile phone.
The application is available on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and on the web. Evernote has advanced information sorting, sharing and synchronization capabilities, which not only makes it easy to take notes but organize them properly and centrally. The notes can be shared and accessed from anywhere. Its capabilities make it easier for businesses of varying sizes to save time and boost productivity.
2. Basecamp
Basecamp is a tool that allows companies to manage projects online. It helps save time by allowing users to find all the information related to a project on a single platform. The tool eliminates the need to collect information from different sources. The groupware provides a wide array of operational benefits.
The features available on Basecamp are many and varied. Users can add a project and grant access to team members to enhance collaboration and productivity. Team members will be able to read and edit the data as the project progresses. Users can upload different types of data, including simple notes, proposals, tasks, files to print and more.
This allows companies to manage the project centrally. The data is accessible from anywhere in the world. On the other hand, Basecamp allows teams to conduct online discussions regarding the progress of the project.
Project management is an essential aspect that enables companies to provide a professional service to customers. To ensure smooth operation, all team members involved in the project should be well informed of progress and any change in plans. One of the major difficulties in managing a project is keeping everyone well informed, particularly when they are stationed in different locations.
3. Prezi
Prezi software revolutionizes presentations. Unlike PowerPoint, users perform more functions. The tools allow users to scroll through one page after another and create an illustrated world with different visual segments. Each segment represents a group of ideas just like a page in PowerPoint.
Unlike the Office Pack software, Prezi comes in the form of a large blank table and the designer is free to add as much information as needed. This allows users to present many ideas while maintaining a hierarchy. Beyond the attractive visual aspect, Prezi allows users to transmit more messages.
4. Asana
Asana makes it easier to manage teams on projects and the progress of the tasks without using mail. Up to 15 employees can be added to a free workspace while managing unlimited tasks and projects. The application is broken down into several tasks, which contain several projects subdivided into additional tasks.
5. SubTask
SubTask is a web application designed to organize and structure your ideas using mind mapping. Projects are organized from A to Z on a graph. You can collaborate with your team on ideas in real-time. This can be done in the same room or in different countries. All the changes are saved and synchronized instantly.