Picture of John Pyron, the Business Doctor

John Pyron, the Business Doctor

90 Days to Overnight Success

We’ve all seen them…those individuals who seem to succeed overnight!  Yet, how many of us believe that it was overnight?  I used to fantasize about owning this car or that car, and I used to look at many “so-called” successful people who seemed to have everything.  I knew they had something going that I didn’t know about or were just lucky.

As I started building my first business in 1990, I realized they possessed nothing more than what I had except knowledge and experience. Once I realized that, I got excited because I knew that I could read books, listen to audio, watch videos, and associate with people who were where I wanted to be and go.

I realized that they possessed a discipline that I lacked and needed.  The other thing I learned was that all I had to do was figure out what they had done and emulate what they had done, and I, too, would have the same kind of success.  One of the great principles of success is to find someone who has the success I desire and duplicate what they have done.  Did you know that the most successful people, I mean the most successful people you know, are the most giving people around?  They are the most generous people with their time and knowledge. Here’s a tip: “Share your dreams and goals with the most successful people you know, and you will be amazed at the support you will receive.”

Share it with those closest to you, and you will experience the “Crab Effect.”  What’s the Crap effect, you ask?  If you put a bunch of crabs in a bucket, you will notice that, eventually, one crab will try to climb out.  As this happens, the other crabs will try to pull the one trying to escape back down, even to the point of cutting off their claws.  This is an extreme example, but it’s the best way to describe those closest to us.  They get intimidated and upset as we strive to achieve our dreams and goals out of fear of being left behind or simply trying to protect us from the unknown.  In this instance, the best thing to do is love them and do it anyway.  When you are in a position to loan or give them money, they will be glad you did it.

So, what’s this 90-day phenomenon, anyway, you ask?

The 90 Days to Overnight Success is simply this:  The Right Activities + 90 Days of Consistency x Hard Work = Overnight Success.  That’s it; it’s that simple….really!!!

Let’s say your biggest challenge is generating qualified leads, which happens to be the number one challenge most Business Owners and Sales Professionals tell me is their biggest challenge, based on hundreds of surveys.  Not my words, but theirs.

I would tell them this:  Let’s create a system, or better still, multiple systems for creating leads.  I would give them the following steps to start with:

  1. Do a Perfect Client Strategy for Your Existing Clients.
  2. Implement a POI Strategy.
  3. Create a sales activity tracker that encompasses the following items to track:
    1. Contacts Made
    2. Appointments Set
    3. Appointments Ran
    4. Sales Made

It’s that simple; it is!!!  My mentor, Dave Vanni, taught me 20 years ago to do this simple activity in 90-day increments—nothing more.

If you want overnight success, it happens in 90-day increments, period!!!

I don’t care what strategy you implement; creating results takes 90 days of consistent activity. Whether talking about sales, business, family, or whatever…..it takes 90 days of consistency to create predictable results.

Remember this: Anyone can be consistent for a week, a month, or six months. Be consistent for One Solid Year, then email me with your results!! You will be happy that you took this challenge, for you will experience double, triple, and even ten times the results because you chose to take Massive Action!!!

Be Great For Nothing Else Pays!

I am excited to discuss your goals and challenges to fast-track your success. Book a time on my calendar today. You can call me at (916) 765-2596 or email me at jpyron@johnpyron.com. Have a great day!

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