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You will never achieve your full potential in business alone.
This is a statement I truly believe, and one which is not often discussed in business classes, magazines, or blogs. While there’s certainly a lot to be said for bootstraps and self motivation, the truth is, no one can go it all alone and expect to achieve great success in business. Think of some of your top heroes or idols, and all of the coaches, groups, partners, and support they had along the way to where they are.
A mastermind group is an excellent way to dip into a pool of like-minded individuals who may have been where you are, or even still ARE where you are, and can offer outside perspectives, advice, and support to help you achieve greater and greater milestones. If you’d like more info on the benefits of a mastermind, check out my previous post on the topic.
However, it is vitally important that you join the RIGHT mastermind group in order to reap these benefits. Here is a break down of the best practices when it comes to looking for a mastermind group.
Ask Around
Your first resource is probably already right in front of (or all around) you. Start asking colleagues and friends in business if they belong to or know of any mastermind groups. Ask within forums or LinkedIn/Facebook groups you belong to. Start building a list of possibilities to check out. But always remember: what might work perfectly for one person might not fit at all for another, so you will need to do the next step to find what’s right for YOU.
Do Some Research
Once you have a list of groups to check out, start looking into them. Find out what topics they focus on (not all masterminds are focused on business), how they communicate with each other, and what others are saying about their experience. Also important are how they get together and how often. Some groups get together in a physical location once a month, while others get together for weekly calls and stay in contact regularly through online groups. There are no set rules on how to operate a mastermind, so you will need to look into how each one operates and if it aligns with what you need. Which brings us to…
Determine Your Goals and Needs
It’s common to be a little unclear of what you want when you first start looking into mastermind groups. Is it just a place to be able to ask questions? Or a place to network and possibly build partnerships? Or maybe you’re looking for a more guided experience in which one member of the group helps everyone else work out solutions to their various business struggles. While you don’t need a steadfast mission statement for this, it’s good to take a look at where you are in business and write down a few things you are looking for in a mastermind group. Here’s an example:
A group that has weekly calls to keep us on track, but also allows online communication whenever needed. I’d like practical advice more than just motivation, and would love the chance to get my specific struggles addressed to help me break into the next level of my business.
Do a Test Run
One fantastic element to find in many mastermind groups are trials or guarantee programs. Some mastermind groups are free, but they tend to be less organized. Take advantage of these benefits by test-driving a few groups that interest you the most. This will allow you to get a first-hand look into how they operate, the benefits they offer, and whether or not they are a real fit for you.
Be Committed
Finally, when you’ve decided on the best group for you, be fully committed to participating in it. Whenever/however they meet, mark it on your calendar as a can’t-miss appointment. Participate in discussions and do any homework or personal work suggested. Ask questions when you have them, and provide answer/feedback/tips when they’re are asked for by other members. The amount of value you get from all mastermind groups is directly related to how much you put into them, and you will be very surprised by the outcomes!
These are the best steps I have used and taught others to use to find the perfect mastermind for them. Do you have others? Are you currently part of a mastermind you love, or looking for one now? Join the discussion on my Facebook page here!