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John Pyron, the Business Doctor

One simple Strategy to Dramatically Increase Your Referrals Starting Now

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It is overwhelmingly common how many businesses don’t have referral systems in place. This is a shame, because referral systems can literally make the difference between failure and success for some businesses, and even grow businesses by 200% – 300% or more in many cases. In this post, I’d like to explain how you can create a rock-solid referral system that can guarantee quality referrals every month to grow your business.

First, let’s do a quick check-in on your own system. Do you let referrals come to you on their own or ask good friends/clients/customers for them? If it is the former, then it’s a very good thing you’re reading this article! If it’s the latter, how do you feel your current system is working?


The Referral System Strategy

The first step to building your referral system is to create a list of your favorite clients/customers. These do not have to be the people who are paying you the most money, but the ones you enjoy working with the most. When you think of them, you wish you could have 10 more clients just like them. I call these your “Wow” clients.

Try to make your list of “Wow” clients at least 10, but just start from where you are. If you only have one, then start there!

If you don’t have any clients/customers that you love, then revisit your target audience and lead generation funnel to get some first.

Why start with just a handful of clients? Because people tend to live, play, and work with others you are like them. If you really enjoy working with a particular person, chances are they will be able to refer you to similar people who you also enjoy working with. If you start with so-so or even bad clients, then you will probably get more of the same. This makes the difference between work that is truly fun and meaningful to you, and work that is just a drain.

Once you have this list of people you really enjoy working with, reach out to each of them to set up a lunch or coffee meeting. During this meeting, you will let them know you are looking to form a few key relationships that will be mutually beneficial. Ask if they had the opportunity, would they refer you to other people? If they say yes (which they most likely will), ask them who they were thinking of when they said yes. If they say no, ask them what you can do to improve and then work on those points first.

Once your client tells you the name(s) of people they think you’d be a great fit for. Then, ask them what kind of referral would be good for them, and go through your own network and see who you can refer to them. This is your first exchange of referrals.

Finally, ask the client if they would be open to doing this type of meeting about once a month to continue growing each other’s business. At this point, you only need 4 of your clients to say yes, because then you can have one meeting per week.

It may sound simple (because it is.) However, I’ve found that the most simple strategies in business tend to be the most successful, and this one has brought in millions of dollars of business for me over the course of several businesses. If you follow it consistently, it will do the same for you.

I’d love to hear about your successes and answer any questions you have along the way. Join us in the free 10x Mastermind Group on Facebook or LinkedIn!


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