How to Follow Through for Your Clients
You must follow through if you want to retain your clients. When you are selling a high-ticket item or service, you need to make darn sure that your client is happy they hired you. The last thing you want is for your clients to have buyer’s remorse. An easy way to do this is by […]
Why You Need a System for Client FeedbackCategorized
Do you have a system for client feedback? There is no better way to improve your client retention than hearing from your clients themselves. You have got to have a feedback system in your business. You can set up a survey or speak directly to them. This feedback can be good, bad, or both. I always […]
How to Get to Know Your Clients
The Importance of Client Retention
The greatest compliment you can get from a client is having them stick around for years and years. In 2006, I started a company called Intelligent Business Network Solutions. I signed on Kurt Olsen as a client that same year. When I sold the company in 2013, Kurt stayed with me instead of going with […]
How to Create Systems in Your Business
The first step in creating systems in your business is investing in capture tools so you can start building your online training university for the people you are ultimately going to hire. Do this as soon as possible, before you even think you need to hire someone. I use Zoom for this. They have a […]
How to Create Leverage in Your Business
When you first start a business, you are the CEO: not the Chief Executive Officer, but the Chief Everything Officer. You’re the marketing person the salesperson, the graphic designer, the customer service manager. Everything relies on you to get things done when you are in that first stage of business. The first thing you have […]
5 Rapport Building Skills To Grow Your Small Business
Successful businesses do much more than just sell products and services. They also build relationships to strengthen their position and ensure long-term loyalty. It is far easier to retain customers than to attract new ones. Use rapport skills to establish a connection with people and they will be more likely to come back to your small business.