How to Position Yourself for Success
You have got to start with your mindset. Start by implementing a morning routine. This is the same as putting your own oxygen mask on first. This often goes against all of our instincts. Your business is your baby, and just like on the airplane when they tell you to put your mask on before […]
Power Networking Tips
Everyone has a network that they have influence with. This makes them a person of influence (POI). But, not everyone is a good POI for you. A good POI for you is someone who has a high percentage of your target market inside their network. You and 3 other POIs can create a power network. […]
Eliminate Procrastination
There are three ways you can increase your results this quarter. The Inner Game – This is your mindset. YOU HAVE GOT to set big goals and have a clear vision of where you are going. See my post here for the perfect example. The Outer Game – This is your systems. Do you have […]
Are You A Buffalo or a Cow?
Sometimes we have to go to nature to get the best advice. In your life, when a storm hits you, do you handle it like a cow or like a buffalo? When a herd of cows sees a storm coming, they turn to each other, discuss it for a minute, and then they turn and […]
Who Will You Save in 2019?
There is this story, of an old man, who takes walks on the beach every morning. While he walks, he stops to toss starfish back into the ocean. One day, a little boy runs up to him and asks him what he is doing. The man explains that if the sun beats on the starfishes […]
How to Have a Champion Mindset
Back in April of 1987, I was living in an abandoned trailer behind a house on the corner of 40th Ave and East 14th St in Oakland California. For those of you that are not familiar with the geography, Oakland California was not a safe or nice place to live. I was basically homeless. You […]
How to Handle Adversity
Are you dealing with adversity right now? Are you staying awake late at night frustrated with where your business is at? Maybe your leads or referrals have dried up. Maybe you have a systems problem. Maybe you have more business than you can handle.
Own Your Morning
You have got to own your morning. You are a business owner, not an employee. Own your morning. It’s your business. You determine what time you’re going to get going for the day.
Excuses Are Like Armpits
Excuses are like armpits. If you don’t do something about yours, they are going to continue to stink! If you continue to argue for your limitations, you get to keep them. Remember this; today is the 1st day of the rest of your life.
Business Mistake: Self-Sabotage and How to Stop it
Nothing hurts us and stops us from becoming our greatest self quite like self-sabotage. Self-sabotaging is actually more common than many of us are willing to admit. Far too often our goals and dreams come to a grinding halt on account of the things we irrationally tell ourselves about ourselves.