How to Achieve Financial Freedom in Your Business
Did you start your business with the ultimate goal of achieving financial independence and freedom? Now, many years later, you have built a company with a few employees, but you are nowhere near attaining financial freedom. I have experienced this many, many times, and I have watched my coaching clients experience it, too. One of […]
How to Create Systems in Your Business
The first step in creating systems in your business is investing in capture tools so you can start building your online training university for the people you are ultimately going to hire. Do this as soon as possible, before you even think you need to hire someone. I use Zoom for this. They have a […]
How to Create Leverage in Your Business
When you first start a business, you are the CEO: not the Chief Executive Officer, but the Chief Everything Officer. You’re the marketing person the salesperson, the graphic designer, the customer service manager. Everything relies on you to get things done when you are in that first stage of business. The first thing you have […]
Running Your Business is a Game
I coach a lot of people. Most of the time my coaching is all about taking action. Running a business is like playing a professional football game. I tell my clients to play the game. Show up and play the game every day because running your business is a game. A professional football game consists […]