Picture of John Pyron, the Business Doctor

John Pyron, the Business Doctor

Introducing the 10x Business Owner’s Mastermind Group

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Recently, I wrote and article on The Benefits of a Mastermind Group and How to Choose the Right Mastermind Group For You, and I received some great feedback from people looking to join a mastermind themselves. With this, and the piles of content I have to give and limited time in each day, my team and I have been working hard to put together the 10X Business Owner’s Mastermind Group. I am happy to say it is NOW OPEN for enrollment!

Sales, systems, bookkeeping, hiring processes, growth strategies, profit planning…the list goes on and on of things you need to have in place for a successful and growing business. Who has time to keep all those plates spinning? In the 10x Business Owner’s Mastermind Group, you will be connected to a group of fellow entrepreneurs and business owners to help you out every step of the way, and all led by weekly calls hosted by myself. It will literally be the best business investment you’ll ever make.

Not only that, but we have set up a members area in which all of the call recordings will be housed, so you can go back and review (or catch up on any of the calls you missed) at any time you wish! There will also be training materials, videos, templates and worksheets, and much more. Finally, to keep everyone plugged in and ensure you can ask questions or get support whenever YOU need, there is also a members-only Facebook Group set up and waiting.

Since its launch, my team and I have gotten a few questions around what type of business owner this mastermind is for, so here’s a quick breakdown for you:

  • Startups – business owners who have just started their new venture and are not sure how to get themselves established so they can scale. They are probably doing most activities on their own or with a business partner and have no employees yet.
  • Established – business owners who’ve been in business for a little while now, and have a decent grasp of how to “maintain” at their current level, but are unsure of how to go to the next level in their business. They may have 1-4 employees.
  • Pros – business owners who have some systems in place, have some employees and/or contractors handling a lot of the day-to-day activities, and are ready to move their business out of the 6-figure revenue and into the 7-figure revenue.

This is a fairly wide range of business owners, but remember my biggest lesson in 25+ years of business and coaching: all businesses have the same problems. The 10x Business Owner’s Mastermind Group is structured so that business owners at all levels can give and receive support and guidance, and our weekly call Hot Seats will feature one business owner from each “category” above, so that everyone finds value in the content.

Together, we’ll go step-by-step, through ALL of the you’re having to get you to the next level and beyond in your business… leaving nothing to chance, and making your success all but inevitable.

Sound like a good deal? Awesome. Make sure you jump on the Early Bird Special and get the details about the program right here.



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