When you really stop to think about it, business is nothing more than a set of habits and systems. If you’ve got the magic formula of the right systems and the right habits, you will have a successful business. If not, well, then you are in for a world of trouble. As I am always looking for easy ways to help other business owners, I put together this list of 7 habits of successful business owners.
1. They are Early Risers
This is probably the biggest element I teach all of my clients: prepare for your day every day. This may look a little different for everyone, but almost all successful business owners state they wake up at least two hours before they need to be at work/working. This allows time for planning, eating, exercising, meditation, and even clearing out some emails.
2. They Have Big Dreams
Dreamers and successful business owners are synonymous, and they tend to create something out of nothing. They believe wholeheartedly that they can transform their dreams into reality. To be successful, it is important to envision your business and have faith in what it can become.
3. They Shut Out the Distractions
Our world is chock-full of distractions, but successful business owners know how to ignore them and concentrate on the most important issues first. This could include doing the grunt work that is not necessarily the most exciting thing to do and is both a mental and physical win for the ‘to-do’ list. There is something tremendously freeing about recognizing you have conquered the most challenging thing you have on your agenda with hours to spare.
Many successful business owners have indicated that on the days they actually get this done, they get a lot more done in total. This is because they do not fuss around in an attempt to determine how to put off what must be done.
4. They Spot and Capitalize on Opportunities
When initially introduced, the concepts of many of today’s most prevalent companies and products appeared to be questionable or even bizarre. However, successful business owners have the willingness and capacity to think outside the box. This enables them to see potential where other people do not.
5. They ask for help.
The majority of the most successful businesses today weren’t started by one person alone. Even if they were, they certainly weren’t built by one person alone. Even the smartest and most talented people need help to reach their full potential. They look for people who have experience in their industry (such as coaches) and also know when it’s time to hire/delegate the work they shouldn’t be doing so they can concentrate on the work they should.
6. They Have Focus Rituals
Waking up early and ignoring distractions is a good start, but it’s also very important to have and practice regular “focus” rituals. For myself, it’s writing down my top goals every morning and night so I can stay focused on them. For others, it may be meditating during the lunch break to re-center their minds on the tasks at hand for the day. Still, others journal their thoughts at the end of the day to be clear for the next. Whatever works for you, get a focus ritual and start using it!
7. They Track and Analyze
Whatever is not tracked cannot improve. You have to know where you are to figure out how to get where you want to be, so make sure you track many things in your business – from income/expenses to client retention rates and even social media engagement.
These 7 habits will help you succeed faster and keep your growth sustainable as you practice them.