Power base
My first tip is that if you think of a fire pit or a fireplace, it takes enormous energy to light the fire. But as long as you keep throwing a log here or there, a piece of firewood, that fire will keep its heat and stay on. As long as you keep adding wood, the moment you stop adding wood to it, it will eventually turn off.
Therefore, one of the things that I have always learned is to add to your list. It’s as simple as that. And the easiest way to do it is with your power base.
The power base is the people you know with whom you have power. When you pick up the phone and call them, they know who you are. It could be a friend, a family member, a client, a previous client, a current prospect, or a past prospect. So, each of us has someone in our power base.
Chances are, out of an average of 100 people you know, maybe you haven’t called them, or maybe you haven’t talked to them in three, four, or five years, but you do know them, and if you pick up the phone and call them, they will take your call and be very happy to hear from you.
Our grassroots connections have a couple of things:
Number one, they are a potential prospect for your business.
Number two, they are a potential prospect for someone else in your power base.
Or number three, and most of the time, it’s a feeder who could fuel your business.
So, the idea is to go after business owners. The strategy is that every person we meet, personally, be it any of those people on that list, knows someone who works for a business owner or owns a business. And all you need to do is know how to make that call.
The idea is to use your contacts network to make more contacts.
So, if you want to grow your business, think of it this way: make five power base calls a day. That is, power base calls; do not leave five voice messages. It is talking to five people a day, and you may have to make ten calls to receive those five people.
This way, you will have more references and know what to do with them. This strategy works. It works now, ten years ago, thirty years ago, fifty years ago, and it will work for the next fifty years.
This is the fastest and easiest way to grow your network, power base, and business. I hope it was helpful.